In addition to providing a meal, your gift will also share the hope and love of Jesus so that our hurting neighbors get a chance to hear what Easter is all about.
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Santa Barbara Rescue Mission exists because of the generosity and support received by the Rescue Mission from the community. We do not sell, rent, or exchange our mailing list with anyone. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
SBRM provides immediate help and lasting hope to those with no place else to go. We offer a 12-month residential recovery program to men and women who desire to break free from cycles of addiction, poverty, homelessness, and crime.
SBRM provides immediate help to those with no place else to go–and lasting hope–in our residential recovery program for those desiring to break free from cycles of addiction, poverty, homelessness and crime.
© 2023 Santa Barbara Rescue Mission. All Rights Reserved. EIN 95-6134271